Contributor Name: Edwin Muchapondwa

Edwin Muchapondwa is a Professor of Economics in the School of Economics at the University of Cape Town (UCT). He is a guest professor at Luleå University of Technology in Sweden. Edwin was the founding director of EPRU at UCT in 2007, and now remains within the center as a Senior Research Fellow. He is also the former director of the UCT School of Economics. Edwin’s research deals with biodiversity conservation, community-based natural resource management, energy, and climate change.

Sanctioned quotas vs information provisioning for community wildlife conservation in Zi...
Working Paper 772 We investigate the behavioural responses of resou...
Anne-Sophie Crépin, Herbert Ntuli, Edwin Muchapondwa, Caroline Schill
Journal Publication
Does the uptake of multiple climate smart agriculture practices enhance household savin...
Climate change and variability poses a significant hindrance on agr...
Herbert Ntuli, Gibson Mudiriza, Edwin Muchapondwa, Boscow Okumu, Alfred K. Mukong
Working Paper
Risk and return spillovers in a global model of the Foreign Exchange Network
We developed a network model to capture the dynamic interactions am...
Herbert Ntuli, Gibson Mudiriza, Edwin Muchapondwa, Boscow Okumu, Alfred K. Mukong
Working Paper
Skills, employment, strong local institutions and good relationships between people and...
Subsistence poaching can severely threaten biodiversity and communi...
Herbert Ntuli, Edwin Muchapondwa, Amanda Linell, Aksel Sundström, Sverker C. Jagers, Martin Sjöstedt
Policy Brief
Understanding the drivers of subsistence poaching in the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Co...
While subsistence poaching is a large threat to wildlife conservati...
Herbert Ntuli, Edwin Muchapondwa, Amanda Linell, Aksel Sundström, Sverker C. Jagers, Martin Sjöstedt
Working Paper
Recreation Demand and Optimal Pricing for International Visitors to Kruger National Park
Even though most national parks are not wholly funded by the State,...
Samson Mukanjari, Eyoual Demeke, Edwin Muchapondwa
Policy Brief
Can local communities afford full control over wildlife conservation? The Case of CAMPF...
Wildlife is widely becoming an important vehicle for rural developm...
Herbert Ntuli, Edwin Muchapondwa, Boscow Okumu
Policy Brief
Factors influencing people’s perceptions towards conservation of transboundary wildlife...
Local people’s perceptions of protected areas greatly determine the...
Sverker C. Jagers, Martin Sjöstedt, Herbert Ntuli, Edwin Muchapondwa, Amanda Linell
Policy Brief
Rural Electrification policy: The potential in micro hydro electricity
Developing countries particularly those within the Sub-Saharan Afri...
Mary Karumba, Edwin Muchapondwa
Policy Brief
Recreation Demand and Optimal Pricing for International Visitors to Kruger National Park
Sustainable financing of conservation is a key challenge in develop...
Edwin Muchapondwa, Samson Mukanjari, Eyoual Demeke
Policy Brief
Economic Valuation of Forest Ecosystem Services in Kenya: Implication for Design of PES...
Kenya has five major water towers classified as montane forests nam...
Edwin Muchapondwa, Boscow Okumu
Policy Brief
Welfare and Environmental Impact of Incentive Based Conservation: Evidence from Kenyan ...
This paper focuses on whether the provision of landless forest-adja...
Edwin Muchapondwa, Boscow Okumu
Working Paper
Determinants of Successful Collective Management of Forest Resources: Evidence from Ken...
Participation of local communities in management and utilization of...
Boscow Okumu, Edwin Muchapondwa
Working Paper
Co-operation, institutional quality and management outcome in community based micro hyd...
Community based micro hydro grids in developing countries have char...
Mary Karumba, Edwin Muchapondwa
Working Paper
Economic valuation of forest ecosystem services in Kenya: Implication for design of PES...
Forest ecosystem services are critical for human well-being as well...
Edwin Muchapondwa, Boscow Okumu
Policy Brief
The impact of micro hydroelectricity on household welfare indicators
The use of small scale off-grid renewable energy for rural electrif...
Mary Karumba, Edwin Muchapondwa
Working Paper
Effects of wildlife resources on community welfare: Income, poverty and inequality
This paper demonstrates the importance of wildlife in the portfolio...
Edwin Muchapondwa, Herbert Ntuli
Working Paper
Climate change and Agriculture: What is the Role of Wildlife in adaptation in South Afr...
Climate change poses a serious problem to agriculture sector especi...
Jackson Otieno, Edwin Muchapondwa
Policy Brief
Agriculture and adaptation to climate change: The role of wildlife ranching in South Af...
In this paper, we explored the role of wildlife in adaptation to cl...
Jackson Otieno, Edwin Muchapondwa
Working Paper
A Bio-economic Analysis of Community Wildlife Conservation in Zimbabwe
This paper uses a bioeconomic model to analyze wildlife conservatio...
Herbert Ntuli, Edwin Muchapondwa
Working Paper
An Economic Analysis of Climate Change and Wildlife Utilization on Private Land: Eviden...
Wildlife ranching is emerging as a new frontier for wildlife conser...
Edwin Muchapondwa, Jackson Otieno
Working Paper
Do the Poor Benefit from Devolution Policies? Evidences from Quantile Treatment Effect ...
Existing literature have rarely evaluated distributive effect of Jo...
Steven F. Koch, Edwin Muchapondwa, Dambala Gelo
Working Paper
Estimation of optimal conservation fees for international park visitors in the Kgalagad...
This paper estimates the visitation demand function for Kgalagadi T...
Johane Dikgang, Edwin Muchapondwa
Working Paper
The Economic Evaluation of Dryland Ecosystem Services in the South African Kgalagadi Ar...
The economic importance of the dryland ecosystem services in the Kg...
Johane Dikgang, Edwin Muchapondwa
Working Paper
The Economic Evaluation of Dryland Ecosystem Services in the South African Kgalagadi by...
This study seeks to value ecosystem services in the Kgalagadi area ...
Johane Dikgang, Edwin Muchapondwa
Working Paper
Dependence on Environmental Resources and Implications for Household Welfare: Evidence ...
This paper examines dependence on environmental resources and impac...
Gladman Thondhlana, Edwin Muchapondwa
Working Paper
Conservation Fees in the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park between Botswana and South Africa...
This paper estimates the visitation demand function for Kgalagadi T...
Johane Dikgang, Edwin Muchapondwa
Working Paper
Pricing of National Park Visits in Kenya: The Case of Lake Nakuru National Park
This study analyses the factors influencing pricing of National Par...
Peter Chacha, Edwin Muchapondwa, Daniel Abala, Anthony Wambugu
Working Paper
The Effect of Land Restitution on Poverty Reduction Among the Khomani San "Bushmen" in ...
This paper looks at the impact of land restitution involving the Kh...
Johane Dikgang, Edwin Muchapondwa
Working Paper
Evaluating the Prospects of Benefit Sharing Schemes in Protecting Mountain Gorillas in ...
Presently, the mountain gorilla in Rwanda, Uganda and the Democrati...
Birgit Bednar-Friedl, Samson Mukanjari, Precious Zikhali, Edwin Muchapondwa
Working Paper
Adaptation to climate change by smallholder farmers in Tanzania
In Sub-Saharan Africa, climate change is set to hit the agricultura...
Edwin Muchapondwa, Coretha Komba
Working Paper
The valuation of biodiversity conservation by the South African Khomani San "bushmen" c...
The restitution of land to the Khomani San “bushmen” an...
Edwin Muchapondwa, Johane Dikgang
Working Paper
Modelling Fugitive Natural Resources in the Context of Transfrontier Parks: Under what ...
The conservation of fugitive natural resources across national boun...
Edwin Muchapondwa
Working Paper
What actions could boost international tourism demand for Tanzania?
Tanzania recognises the potential of international tourism in accel...
Edwin Muchapondwa, Asimwe Bashagi
Working Paper
Enhancing consumers' voluntary use of small-scale wind turbines to generate own electri...
This paper investigates whether South African households and small ...
Edwin Muchapondwa, Brendan Whelan
Working Paper
Providing Economic Incentives for Biodiversity Conservation in an Emerging Bioregional ...
This paper starts from the now widely-held premise that biodiversit...
Kelly Scheepers, Eric Mungatana, Frank Matose, Harry Biggs, Kevin Moore, Edwin Muchapondwa, Amanda Driver
Working Paper