Economic Research Southern Africa (ERSA) is a platform that supports the development of economic policy by connecting economic research to national policy debate and identifying areas of future research. Our network draws on a broad range of economic researchers and policymakers from a variety of academic, private and government institutions. We encourage the creation, dissemination and discussion of independent and expert economic policy-oriented research.

Latest publications

ERSA's economic research encompasses a wide range of policy-oriented topics within our core research programmes. Besides the academic ERSA Working Paper Series, we also publish additional policy papers, policy briefs and economic notes, which we share below.

Workshop Presentation
Market Structure, Investment, Network Sharing in Mobile Telecommunications
Economic Note
Where’s the Evidence? The Case for a Bold Export Strategy in South Africa
Economic Note
Monetary Policy in South Africa: stabilizing the economy, managing the risk
Policy Paper
Trade and Industrial Policy for South Africa’s Future