The economics of apartheid

11 January 2013
Event type: Workshop
JEL Code: N1, N17
Event date: 20 March 2013, 4:00pm
to 22 March 2013, 5:00pm

The Economics of Apartheid

Apartheid remains a contentious issue. It’s political, social and economic causes remain open to debate; its consequences a popular vindication for the slow speed of convergence between white and black South Africans eighteen years after South Africa became a democracy.

Economic Research Southern Africa (ERSA) would like to invite participants to the ninth workshop of the ERSA Economic History Research Group on The Economics of Apartheid: An empirical investigation into its causes and consequences. Full papers and paper ideas can be presented, although preference will be given to full papers. Young scholars are encouraged to attend, especially those with an interest in micro-datasets. The workshop will also coincide with Human Rights Day.

Date: 20-22 March 2013

Place: Cape Town

Number of participants: The number of participants will be limited to the funding available. Preference will be given to those participants that present full research papers. Funding: Travel expenses in South Africa will be covered and accommodation for the duration of the workshop will be provided by the ERSA Economic History Working Group.

Requirements: Participants will be required to submit a comprehensive abstract of 500 words by 11 February 2013. All abstracts must be sent to

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