Labour Economics

3 February 2025
JEL Code: J01, J08
Event date: 2 October 2014, 5:00pm
to 3 October 2014, 7:00pm

The Microeconomics, Labour and Inequality Group is pleased to announce the following events:

Foundations of Labour Economics
When: Thursday 2nd October – Friday 3rd October 2014
Where: Ballito, KwaZulu-Natal

This event will be led by a number of locally-based presenters and aims to cover the core material of labour economics as required by those researching in this area or teaching at the postgraduate level.

There will be five focused sessions:

i) schooling and earnings;
ii) discrimination;
iii) labour demand;
iv) labour supply;
v) aggregate labour markets.

Imperfect Labour Markets
When: Thursday 19th February – Friday 20th February 2015
Where: Cape Town (venue to be confirmed)

We are delighted to welcome as the guest speaker at this event Professor Jan van Ours of Tilburg University. Prof van Ours is the co-author (with Professor Tito Boeri) of the acclaimed book The Economics of Imperfect Labor Markets (Princeton University Press, 2nd edition 2013). The workshop will concentrate on the analysis of labour market policies and institutions.


The two events complement one another and we envisage that most participants will wish to attend both. Copies of the Boeri/van Ours book will be made available at the first workshop, and we will also be looking to identify local research at the first workshop that can be showcased at the second workshop.

These events mark a new phase for the Microeconomics, Labour and Inequality group and we are keen to establish a broad constituency for this group and to maintain regular activities henceforth.

If you would like to attend please send your application to with the subject title: Labour Economics by Friday 22nd August 2014. Places are limited so please send a brief motivation along with your application. This should set out your degree of interest and involvement in the subject matter. PhD students are particularly encouraged to apply.

Related Event
Call for Papers: Labour Economics
Deadline: 22 August 2014

Please note, this Call for Papers submission from is closed.

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