Conference: Inflation: Drivers, effects, and trade-offs

16 July 2024
Event type: Call for Papers
Event date: 8 May 2025, 8:00am
to 9 May 2025, 5:00pm
Location: Pretoria

ERSA is organising a two-day conference for academics, policymakers, central bankers and other experts to examine inflation, its drivers, costs, interaction with the fiscus, societal impact and policy options in Southern Africa.

The conference will include keynote addresses, a panel discussion and sessions presenting selected research/policy papers, including inflation research commissioned by ERSA at the beginning of 2024. Participation from early career researchers interested in monetary, fiscal, and macroeconomic policy is encouraged.

The following papers commissioned by ERSA will be presented:

David Fadiran Governance, and spatial/regional dynamics of inflation
Gisele Mah Quantifying the impact of international food price spillovers on South Africa domestic market: Short- and long-term dynamics and transmission channels updated
Katrien Smuts Are South Africa’s Household Inflation Expectations Subjectively Rational?
Ruthira Naraidoo (Dis)inflation, external shocks, monetary policy and macroeconomic regime change in South Africa
Hylton Hollander
and Clinton Joel
Macroeconomic policy coordination in a fiscal DSGE model with imperfect information
Ruthira Naraidoo, Junior Maih and Christian Tipoy Navigating Optimal Inflation Targeting in South Africa: A Regime-Switching DSGE Approach

We invite you to come and join the conversation by submitting a conference paper.
Conference Registration to open soon.

Topics of Interest

ERSA invites submissions of economic research papers (Academic Working Papers or Policy Papers1) for the conference that offer insight into inflation and its dynamics.   The conference should be viewed as an opportunity to test ideas and receive feedback to strengthen the research.

Topics to consider include:

  • pure vs persistent inflation
  • fiscal policy and inflation
  • inflation and trade, industrial and competition policy
  • climate change and monetary policy
  • food and other price shocks and pass-through
  • commodity sector, external factors and inflation
  • The Phillips Curve, nonlinearity and microfoundations
  • stagflation
  • labour conditions, firm and government behaviour, bargaining, administrative prices and other potential feedback loops
  • inflation and income distribution
  • inflation when consumers are more or less myopic
  • other relevant research


1 Policy Papers are standalone research reports based on an analysis of academic and grey literature and secondary data.  Their aim is to propose policy options for a defined economic policy challenge or examine and articulate the risks and opportunities of current policy considerations and propose risk-mitigating and opportunity-capitalising options.

Paper Submission Details

For those interested in presenting their research or policy analysis, we invite you to submit a working paper.

Authors of successful papers will be notified by 15 February 2025.

For any further information or if you have any questions, please email Claudine Tshabalala, organiser at ERSA ( with the subject header “Inflation: Drivers, effects, and trade-offs”.

Related Event
Call for conference papers: Inflation: Drivers, effects, and trade-offs
Deadline: 15 January 2025
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