Keyword: Ecological Systems

Using Minigames to Explain Imperfect Outcomes in the Ultimatum Game
In evolutionary game theory, “minigames” with reduced strategy sets...
Melt van Schoor
Working Paper
Dynamic deterrence analysis of factors affecting the management of Sudan Fishery
This paper adapted the modified dynamic deterrence model to investi...
Sana Abusin
Working Paper
Providing Economic Incentives for Biodiversity Conservation in an Emerging Bioregional ...
This paper starts from the now widely-held premise that biodiversit...
Kelly Scheepers, Eric Mungatana, Frank Matose, Harry Biggs, Kevin Moore, Edwin Muchapondwa, Amanda Driver
Working Paper
Can the restrictive harvest period policy conserve mopane worms in Southern Africa? A b...
Imbrasia Belina also known as the mopane worm, like other edible in...
Wisdom Akpalu, Precious Zikhali, Edwin Muchapondwa
Working Paper