Keyword: Competition

Competition and Gender in the Lab vs Field: Experiments from off-grid Renewable Energy ...
We fill the gap by examining how gender attitudes and performance u...
Rebecca A. Klege, Rowan P. Clarke, Martine Visser, Manuel F. Barron
Working Paper
Benefits of regulation vs. competition where inequality is high: The case of mobile tel...
South Africa is the most unequal country in the world, with a Gini ...
Ryan Hawthrone, Lukasz Grzybowski
Policy Brief
Benefits of regulation vs competition where inequality is high: The case of mobile tele...
We test for the distributional effects of regulation and entry in t...
Ryan Hawthrone, Lukasz Grzybowski
Working Paper
Race to the top: Does competition in the DSL market matter for fibre penetration?
High speed broadband creates potential productivity gains and has a...
Paul W. J. de Bijl, Helanya Fourie
Policy Brief
An application of Panzar-Rosse Approach in assessing banking sector competition in Zimb...
An assessment of bank competition is important for a number of reas...
Pierre Le Roux, Sanderson Abel
Policy Brief
Assessing banking sector competition in Zimbabwe using a Panzar-Rosse Approach
This paper assesses the level of competition in Zimbabwe’s banking ...
Sanderson Abel, Pierre Le Roux
Working Paper
Price-setting Behavior and Competition in Developing Countries: An Analysis of Retail O...
We study the relationship between price-setting behavior and the de...
Mamello A. Nchake, Lawrence Edwards, Asha Sundaram
Working Paper
Call for Papers: 4th International Workshop on the Economics of Competition and Industr...
Economic Research Southern Africa (ERSA) funds annual workshops to ...
Submit paper: 31 July 2015
Joseph Harrington
Call for Papers
Call for Papers: 3rd International Workshop on the Economics of Competition and Industr...
The aim of the workshop is to consider theoretical and empirical ad...
Luke Froeb, Katja Seim, Caroline Buts
Call for Papers
The Consistency of Merger Decisions in a Developing Country: The South African Competit...
The South African Competition Commission’s merger decisions f...
Richard J. Grimbeek, Sunel Grimbeek, Steven F. Koch
Working Paper
Asymmetry and discrimination in internet peering evidence from the LINX
Is the quality of interconnection between Internet operators affect...
Emanuele Giovannetti, Alessio D’Ignazio
Working Paper