Advanced Empirical Methods in Finance and Economics Online Course

11 August 2021
JEL Code: C23
Event date: 21 September 2021, 4:00pm
to 21 October 2021, 5:00pm

This is an advanced course in empirical microeconomic methods in finance and financial intermediation. Below is a preliminary syllabus. This outline may change as we move through the course. This is not an Econometrics course, but we will revise empirical methods in causal analysis most widely used in applied finance and economics. We will cover recent developments in empirical analysis in several topics, including corporate and household bankruptcy and financial distress, relationship lending and loan contract design, credit shocks, borrowing constraints and informational frictions, and financial regulation. The main goal of the course is to enable students to learn the main empirical methods in applied economics and finance so they can use these tools in different environments such as applied macroeconomics and microeconomics, development economics and finance.

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