JEL code: D72

Political Processes: Rent-seeking, Lobbying, Elections, Legislatures, and Voting Behavior

Human capital inequality and electoral outcomes in South Africa
This paper examines the nature and evolution of horizontal and vert...
Nonso Obikili, Biniam E. Bedasso
Working Paper
Postliberation Politics: Evidence from Demographic Determinants of South Africa Voting ...
In this paper we examine demographic drivers of South African votin...
Johannes W. Fedderke, Margaux Giannaros
Working Paper
The Impact of Political Competition on Economic Growth: Evidence from Municipalities in...
This paper examines the impact of political competition on economic...
Nonso Obikili
Policy Brief
Political transition in a small open economy: Retracing the economic trail of South Afr...
This paper seeks to offer an economic explanation for the emergence...
Biniam E. Bedasso
Working Paper
Don’t Make War, Make Elections. Franchise Extension and Violence in XIXth-Century Colombia
This paper studies the effect of strengthening democracy, as captur...
Juan F. Vargas, Leopoldo Fergusson
Working Paper
Do rent-seeking and interregional transfers contribute to urban primacy in sub-Saharan ...
We develop an economic geography model where mobile skilled workers...
Alain P. Bala, Kristian Behrens
Working Paper
Ostracism and Common Pool Resource Management in a Developing Country: Young Fishers in...
This paper investigates how the possibility to ostracise, which is ...
Peter Martin, Wisdom Akpalu
Working Paper