JEL code: C01


Call for Application: An ERSA Research Workshop: Longitudinal Data in African History
The study of African economic history has reached a tipping point. ...
Call for Application
Access to micro and informal loans: evaluating the impact on the quality of life of poo...
Since the early 1980s, many governments have investigated the possi...
Talita Dalton-Greyling
Policy Brief
Access to micro – and informal loans: evaluating the impact on the quality of life of p...
Background: Since the early 1980s, many governments have investigat...
Talita Dalton-Greyling, Stephanié Rossouw
Working Paper
Skills Development
Call for Application for Skills Development Training in Econometric...
Non-Economic Quality of Life and Population Density in South Africa
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship betwee...
Talita Dalton-Greyling, Stephanié Rossouw
Working Paper
Evaluating South Africa’s Tobacco Control Initative: A Synthetic Control Approach
South Africa has since 1994 consistently and aggressively increased...
Grieve Chelwa, Evan Blecher, Corné van Walbeek
Working Paper
An ERSA Research Workshop: Longitudinal Data in African History
The study of African economic history has reached a tipping point. ...
Submit paper: 4 May 2015
Training Workshop on Econometric Methods for Panel Data
ERSA is pleased to announce a five day training workshop on Firm Le...