Contributor Name: Nara Monkam

Nara Monkam is an Associate Professor at the University of Pretoria. She was the Director of Research at the African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF) for 8 years. She has more than 16 years of experience in research and policy analysis in Africa. She has worked as a consultant for bilateral and multilateral development organizations, including the EU, GIZ, T20, and the World Bank. Her experience also covers teaching, thesis supervision, and training in public finance, tax administration reforms, fiscal decentralization reforms, and property taxation. Nara Monkam holds a Ph.D. in economics from the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies at Georgia State University in Atlanta, Georgia.

Policy Brief
Foreign aid and foreign direct investment in Sub-Sahara Africa: A panel data analysis
Policy Brief
The political and economic dynamics of foreign aid: A case study of United States and C...
Working Paper
Foreign aid and Foreign direct investment in Sub-Saharan Africa: A panel data analysis
Working Paper
The Political and Economic Dynamics of Foreign Aid in Africa: A case study of United St...
Working Paper
Mobilising Tax Revenue to Finance Development: The Case for Property Taxation in Franco...