Contributor Name: Love O. Idahosa

Love Idahosa is a Senior Research and Knowledge Manager & Digitalisation Strategist at the University of Johannesburg skilled in Economics, Econometrics, Advanced research methods, Postgraduate supervision, Analytical Skills, and Data Analysis (quantitative and qualitative), with a Ph,D. in Business Administration and Management, from Stellenbosch University.

Working Paper
Adapting Herzberg: Predicting attendees' satisfaction and intention to re-visit a festi...
Policy Brief
Adapting Herzberg: Predicting attendees’ satisfaction and intention to re-visit a local...
Policy Brief
The Comfort of the future: The role of Social Norms in Constructing the Ideal towards S...
Policy Brief
The Comfort of the Future: The Role of Social Norms in Constructing the Ideal towards S...
Policy Brief
Energy (Electricity) Consumption In South African Hotels: A Panel Data Analysis
Working Paper
Energy Consumption in South African Hotels: A Panel Data Analysis