Contributor Name: Dorrit Posel

Dorrit Posel is a Professor of Economics at the University of the Witwatersrand and she specialises in applied micro-economic research, exploring the interface between households and labour markets. She is an elected member of the Academy of Sciences of South Africa, a fellow of the Centre of Excellence in Human Development, and an associate editor of the journal Feminist Economics. She has published widely on issues related to marriage and family formation, labour migration, labour force participation and the gender division of labour, the economics and demographics of language use, and measures of well-being.

Working Paper
A reconsideration of what and who is middle class in South Africa
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Gendered Trends in Poverty in the Post-Apartheid Period, 1997 - 2006
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English Language Proficiency and Earnings in a Developing Country: The Case of South Af...
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Sex ratios and racial differences in marriage rates in South Africa
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Unions and the gender wage gap in South Africa
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Is there evidence of a wage penalty to female part-time employment in South Africa?
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The male marital earnings premium in the context of bridewealth payments: Evidence from...
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‘Who replies in brackets and what are the implications for earnings estimates? An analy...