Part 2: Financing the budget in the post-Corona world

In the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, given the current economic environment, this conversation explores the following questions regarding the financing of the South African budget deficit.

  • Are the public finances facing a financing crunch?
  • How can the financing requirement be met?
  • What are the opportunities and limits of QE by the SARB?
  • Will we need more funding from the IMF?
  • What will the role of QE in advanced countries be?

Incorporating several different perspectives, this webinar is certain to broaden your knowledge on the topic. We hope that you enjoy it as much as we did! Many thanks to our panellists: Lucio Castro (affiliate, Harvard’s Centre for Economic Development) Xavier DeBrun (advisor, National Bank of Belgium) Brian Kantor (economist, Investec) Mamokete Lijane (fixed income trader, ABSA Group) Ian Stuart (macroeconomic and fiscal policy expert) Owen Willcox (economist, Oxford Policy Management) Thepiso Moahloli (Acting Deputy Director General of Assets and Liabilities, National Treasury) — ℗ 2020 Economic Research Southern Africa. All Rights Reserved.