

Will Pearson

Will Pearson is Senior Investment Advisor at Prosper Africa, a United States government initiative aimedat boosting investment and trade between African countries and the US.

Will has nearly 20 years of experience in the energy, infrastructure, and impact investing sectors. Overthe course of his career, he has worked with diverse teams across North America, Europe, and Sub-Saharan Africa.

Will lived in Zambia from 2014-2019, where he was the Director of GET FiT Zambia, a GermanDevelopment Bank (KfW)-sponsored program designed to attract private sector investment to Zambia’srenewable energy sector. While in Zambia he was also a Senior Transaction Advisor with theInternational Finance Corporation (IFC), working to develop a pipeline of infrastructure and agribusinessinvestments suitable for private investment.

Prior to moving to Zambia, Will was a Director in the Global Energy and Natural Resources practice andHead of the London office at Eurasia Group, a political risk consultancy. He started his career as aPortfolio Analyst on the electricity trading desk at Sempra Energy, an integrated energy company in SanDiego, California.

Will has written articles for The Economist, Financial Times and Foreign Policy, and has featured as aguest speaker and panel moderator at conferences and roundtables across the US, Europe, Africa, andAsia.

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