Velenkosini is an Economics major, graduated with his Bachelor’s in 2012, and completed an Honours degree in 2013, to graduate in 6 May 2014. He was awarded with the NWU bursary at Honours level for being amongst the best students.
Velenkosini is currently a postgraduate student undertaking a Masters in Economics at North-West University. Velenkosini is a returning student, with no work experience, except working as a graduate assistant at the North-West University in 2013, appointed by the Economics Programme Manager at North-West University.
His research interests include time-series, monetary policy, Economic Growh and econometric modeling, with the research topic being “The Impact of Real Exchange Rate Volatility on Unemployment in South Africa: An Econometric Analysis Incorporating the General Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedastic (GARCH) model”. With Economic Growth being one of the variables.
Velenkosini’s goal after graduation is to practice as a professional economist facilitating all sorts of world economies and studying, developing and evaluating economic policies, issues and trends.