Skills Development

31 March 2017
Event type: Workshop
Keyword: econometrics
JEL Code: C01
Event date: 3 July 2017, 4:00pm
to 7 July 2017, 5:00pm

Call for Application for Skills Development Training in Econometrics

The ERSA is pleased to invite applications for the Skill Development Training Programme in basic Econometrics for academics and postgraduate students (masters and PhD) with limited training in Econometrics and quantitative methods. The skills development initiative is in line with ERSA’s objective to deepen economic research capacity and to train young economists in Southern Africa.


A significant number of academics affiliated with South African universities and currently employed as lecturers within Economics departments around the country are inadequately skilled in conducting applied empirical research, where the lack of skills specifically relates to a limited background in econometrics. This may be attributed to the fact that historically, training in economics in South Africa had placed less emphasis on econometrics.

Consequently, these academics are not able to take advantage of the advanced training programmes in economic modelling techniques offered by ERSA on an on-going basis. This project aims to bridge this gap by providing basic econometrics training on a level that would be accessible to a person with a limited background in econometrics. Over time, this may then contribute to the ability of these academics to publish in journals with an interest in applied economic modelling, supervise postgraduate students with an interest in applied econometric research and as such an increase in research capacity in South Africa.

Format of the Programme

The training would be presented in a computer lab at the Department of Economics at the University of Pretoria, with the aim of participants not only acquiring the necessary theoretical background, but also being exposed to hands-on empirical application, using software like EViews and STATA.

The programme will run, in the first instance for three years, with between 10 and 15 participants in a cohort. The three years of training would have a time-series focus in the first year, focus on cross-section techniques in the second year, and finally have a panel data focus in the third year.

Each component of the programme, i.e. time-series, cross-section and panel data will be covered in one week of intensive training. A typical day will start at 8:30 and end at 16:30 with a lunch break of one hour and a mid-morning and mid-afternoon break of 20 to 30 minutes.


ERSA will sponsor between 10 to 15 delegates to attend. The sponsorship will cater for course fees, and where needed accommodation and flights.

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