Online Course on Empirical Industrial Organization (part II)

12 April 2021
JEL Code: D4
Event date: 12 April 2021, 4:00pm
to 12 April 2021, 5:00pm

The purpose of this course is to introduce the methods of Empirical Industrial Organization. The course will cover key economic techniques to empirically analyze competition in markets. The course will combine lectures and hands-on sessions during which real industry data sets will be used to conduct econometric estimations in R.

After the course you should be able to undertake basic quantitative analysis aimed at assessing functioning of the markets. You should also learn how to interpret and critically evaluate different empirical methods, as well as understand what the data requirements for applying various techniques are.

Part II of the course is focused on applications such as mergers, effects of entry and others.




The course will take place on Zoom platform (an invite will be distributed to participants). The course is open to graduate students in economics, staff at South African universities, research institutes and other organizations involved in applied economic research. Researchers and graduate students from outside South Africa can also participate.

Students who enrolled in the first part of the course do not need to register again. New students who wish to enroll, should send an email with brief background info and motivation to:

Deadline for registrations is May 1, 2021

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