JEL code: R58

Regional Development Planning and Policy

Monitoring South Africa’s metropolitan economies: A survey of the data landscape
Discussion Document 13 Disparities in data across different metropo...
Dieter von Fintel
Discussion Document
Place-based economic policies: international lessons for South Africa
Discussion Document 11 Place-based policies are designed to support...
Harris Selod, Claus Rabe
Discussion Document
Crime: A policy-oriented survey
Discussion Document 9 South Africa has a reputation for having high...
Sebastian Galiani
Discussion Document
To what extent does socio-economic status still affect household access to water and sa...
It is publically acknowledged that South Africa has recently met is...
Tamlyn McKenzie, Bruce Rhodes
Policy Brief
Assessing regional variation in the effect of the removal of user fees on institutional...
This paper examines regional differences in the effect of user fee ...
Steven F. Koch, Chitalu M. Chama-Chiliba
Working Paper