JEL code: N3

Black living standards in South Africa before democracy: New evidence from heights
Very little income or wage data was systematically recorded on the ...
Kris Inwood, Johan Fourie, Bokang Mpeta
Working Paper
Recent Growth Performance in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA): What should Policy Makers in the...
The recent decades have witnessed a series of global turbulence wit...
Beatrice D. Simo-Kengne
Policy Brief
User Fee Abolition in South Africa: 1994 and 1996
In addition to birthing a new Democracy, 1994 was the beginning of ...
Steven F. Koch
Policy Brief
How the ‘Hand of Henry’ Benefited the South African Economy
This paper highlights an aspect of mega-events that has been neglec...
Maria Santana-Gallego, Johan Fourie
Working Paper
The missing people: Accounting for indigenous populations in Cape Colonial history
Because information about the livelihoods of indigenous groups is o...
Johan Fourie, Erik Green
Working Paper
Slave Prices and Productivity in the 18th Century at the Cape of Good Hope: The Winners...
The question about the productivity of slavery is a strongly debate...
Ada Jansen, Sophia du Plessis, Dieter von Fintel
Working Paper
A country of migrants: Advances in South African economic history
South Africa is a country of migrants. From the Bantu migration, th...
Slavery and economic history research in South Africa - An ERSA Research Workshop
The fourth ERSA Economic History Workshop in November will focus on...