JEL code: L60

Industry Studies: Manufacturing: General

Building a competitive and dynamic green industrial sector in South Africa after COVID-19
Policy Paper 28 COVID-19 gave the world a glimpse of how devastatin...
Tendai Gwatidzo, Witness Simbanegavi
Policy Paper
Shaking out or shaking in: The impact of Zimbabwe’s economic crisis on the country’s ma...
Following Zimbabwe’s economic crisis between 1997 and 2009, a...
Nicholas Masiyandima, Lawrence Edwards
Policy Brief
Shaking out or shaking in: The impact of Zimbabwe's economic crisis on the country's ma...
Zimbabwe had one of the world’s worst economic crises from th...
Nicholas Masiyandima, Lawrence Edwards
Working Paper
Industry Structure and Labour Market Flexibility in the South African Manufacturing Sec...
Our investigation of industry structure in South African manufactur...
Andrew J. Hill, Johannes W. Fedderke
Working Paper