JEL code: H2

Tax effort and capacity in developing countries: Unravelling the impact of the informal...
Working paper 889 This study focuses on estimating the tax effort i...
Ezekiel Lengaram
Working Paper
Taxpayer responsiveness to taxation: Evidence from bunching at kink points of the South...
I apply the bunching methodology to South African administrative ta...
Neryvia Pillay Bell
Working Paper
Phases of higher education, tuition grants, and equity-efficiency tradeoff
We study how taxes and alternative higher education subsidies affec...
Yoseph Y. Getachew
Working Paper
On the real exchange rate effects of higher electricity prices in South Africa
The paper uses a static Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model ...
James N. Blignaut, André C. Jordaan, Jan H. van Heerden
Working Paper