JEL code: E23

Macroeconomics: Production

Request for Proposals: Back to inflation
Back to inflation In the wake of the global financial crisis (GFC),...
Call for Work
Cities, productivity and Jobs in SA: Problems and potential
Discussion Document 12 Cities contribute to national prosperity bec...
Ivan Turok, Justin Visagie
Discussion Document
Productivity estimates for South Africa from CES production functions
This paper provides estimates of the elasticity of substitution and...
Daan Steenkamp
Working Paper
Decomposition of the Technical Efficiency: Pure Technical and Scale Efficiency of the F...
The study investigated the technical efficiency of the commercial b...
Sanderson Abel, Alex Bara
Policy Brief
Estimating South Africa's output gap and potential growth rate
The potential output of an economy is an unobservable variable whic...
Johannes W. Fedderke, Daniel K. Mengisteab
Policy Brief
Estimating South Africa’s output gap and potential growth rate
Policy Paper 21 This paper estimates the potential output of the So...
Johannes W. Fedderke, Daniel K. Mengisteab
Policy Paper
Production, Inequality and Poverty linkages in South Africa
The Kuznets inequality-development hypothesis can be tested with ti...
Nicholas Ngepah
Working Paper
Social Ingredients and Conditional Convergence in the Study of Sectoral Growth
In this research article, we investigate the improved modelling abi...
Charlotte du Toit, Reneé van Eyden, Jacques K. Ngoie
Working Paper