JEL code: D53

General Equilibrium and Disequilibrium: Financial Markets

Contagious Synchronization and Endogenous Network Formation in Financial Networks
When banks choose similar investment strategies the financial syste...
Christoph Aymanns, Co-Pierre Georg
Working Paper
Contagious Synchronization and Endogenous Network Formation in Financial Networks
When banks choose similar investment strategies the financial syste...
Christoph Aymanns, Co-Pierre Georg
Working Paper
On the impossibility of insider trade in rational expectations equilibria
Existing no trade results are based on the common prior assumption ...
Alexander Zimper
Working Paper
Speculative Trade Equilibria with Incorrect Price Anticipations
This paper introduces an equilibrium concept for boundedly rational...
Alexander Zimper
Working Paper
Asset pricing in a Lucas ‘fruit-tree’ economy with non-additive beliefs
We study a Lucas (1978) “fruit-tree” economy under the ...
Alexander Zimper
Working Paper