Monash Prizewinners 2010

22 August 2010

The Department of Economics at Monash South Africa held its 2011 ERSA sponsored prize function on Wednesday afternoon 1 June in HotSpot, a popular venue on campus. The guests were treated on soup, stirfry, bunny chow, pies and some sweets – exactly what we needed on the chilly winter’s day. Among the guests were prof Steve Koch (academic board member of ERSA), dr Ise Niemann-Struweg (Head of School), Economics lecturing staff, prize winners and partners, best performing students of 2011 and representatives of student organizations.

The prize winners were:

Best first year Economics student in 2010: Maureen Munene
Second best first year Economics student in 2010: Rotendo Usayi
Best 2nd year Economics student in 2010: Shaireen Dhanji
Second best 2nd year Economics student in 2010: Kingsley Kipury
Best 3rd year Economics student in 2010: Justin Fisher
Second best 3rd year Economics student in 2010: Kevin Brown
