Keyword: Law

Competition policy and regulation in digital markets
A 1-day ERSA workshop took place on 30th September  2022 in Stellen...
Prof. Estian Calitz on Fiscal Sustainability in South Africa: what are the shortcomings...
Shortly after the Minister of Finance gave his Supplementary Budget...
Measuring institutions during and after colonisation in Senegal (1819-2010)
Most of the widely used indicators of institutions have been critic...
Working Paper
Why local context matters: de jure and de facto property rights in colonial South Africa
For economic transactions, including debt transactions, to occur in...
Working Paper
Democratisation in Africa: The Role of Self-Enforcing Constitutional Rules
Following several decades during which violent civil conflict was c...
Working Paper
Democratisation in Africa: The Role of Self-Enforcing Constitutional Rules
Following several decades during which violent civil conflict was c...
Working Paper
Are Justices of the US Supreme Court Islands Unto Themselves? Examining external influe...
This paper examines whether the voting behavior of Supreme Court ju...
Working Paper