The Third Economic Theory Workshop

23 July 2015
Event type: Call for Papers
JEL Code: B2, B25
Submission deadline: 7 August 2015 at 5:00pm
Event date: 10 November 2015, 12:00am
to 11 November 2015, 7:00pm

Keynote Speaker: Professor Felix Kübler (University of Zurich, Switzerland)

Call for papers & participation: ERSA’s Economic Theory node is inviting SA-based researchers with a focus on mathematical methods in Economics or Finance to participate in the upcoming November 2015 workshop. The number of participants is restricted and preference will be given to researchers who are going to present a current research paper. Acceptance of papers is subject to the organizer’s discretion (for details see Submissions below). Non-presenting participants might be required to act as discussants.

The deadline for applications to participate is 07 August 2015.

Paper Submission

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