

CVM3 Regional Workshop: South Africa

27 January 2023
Event type: Webinar, Workshop
Event date: 21 February 2023, 1:00pm
to 21 February 2023, 2:30pm
Location: Online, Zoom

As a regional partner of the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) and Vulnerable Twenty Group (V20), we’re hosting a workshop on how climate change directly impacts both present and future environments and economies, especially in economies that are heavily dependent on agriculture.

In this workshop, Brent Cloete presents his findings of the Southern African Regional Analysis, which is derived from the Climate Vulnerability Monitor. This is followed by a discussion.

In the playlist that follows, you can find videos in which the Secretariat of the Climate Vulnerability Monitor, Sara Ahmed, presents the background of the CVM, and the key findings of the 3rd Edition Report, and where Bernd Hezel (Climate Media Factory) introduces the data portal, which includes a variety of health risk, environmental and macroeconomic indicators which are useful in monitoring the impact of climate change.

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