

Call for Papers: Competition Policy and Regulation in Digital Markets Workshop

23 May 2022
Event type: Call for Papers
Submission deadline: 15 July 2022 at 5:00pm
Event date: 30 September 2022, 5:00pm
to 1 October 2022, 7:00pm
Location: Stellenbosch

Background and Objective: The rapid growth of digitalisation in the modern economy is transforming markets and challenging competition policy. As the internet and the availability of big data increase competition, innovation is fundamental to survival. During the workshop, prominent academics working in the field of Industrial Organization and Digital Economics will provide short lectures on relevant competition and regulatory issues in digital markets. In the remaining time, workshop participants will present their research and discussion papers. We welcome theoretical, empirical as well as policy-oriented submissions to discuss recent contributions. Topics of interest include: Digital Platforms; Media Markets; Advertising; Privacy – E-commerce; Digital Marketing; Regulation and Competition Policy of the Digital Economy; Economics of Big Data, Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence; Intellectual Property Rights; ICT, Productivity and Growth; Innovation and Standards; Internet and Search; Net Neutrality; Networks and Pricing; Telecommunications; Internet and Software Industries.

Conference Date and Location: Stellenbosch, 30 September – 01 October 2022

Keynote speakers: TBC

Organising committee: Willem Boshoff (University of Stellenbosch) Lukasz Grzybowski (University of Cape Town)

Submissions: The deadline for submissions is Friday, 15 June 2022. Submit to workshops@econrsa.org. Only papers submitted by the deadline will be considered. Notification of acceptance will be given in due course. No workshop fee will be charged and Economic Research South Africa (ERSA) will cover accommodation and travel expenses for South African participants.

Paper Submission

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