

Call for Application: The Second Economic Theory Workshop “Economies with Asymmetric Information”

22 June 2023
JEL Code: B2, B25
Application deadline: 11 November 2014 at 7:00pm

Keynote Speakers:

Professor Wanda Mimra (ETH Zuerich, Switzerland)
Professor Pierre Fleckinger (Sorbonne, France)

The aim of this workshop is to expose SA-based economic theorists to concepts in information economics. Each participant is expected to either present his/her research or to act as a discussant for another participant’s presentation. In particular, we encourage the presentation of research in applied or/and theoretical contract theory (monopolistic screening, moral hazard, adverse selection, signalling games) as well as in general equilibrium theory under asymmetric information.

Deadline for applications: 1 August 2014: Each prospective applicant should indicate whether s/he would like to present a working paper or act as a discussant. In the case of a paper s/he should submit a paper or an extended abstract with the application.

Contact email for applications; alexander.zimper@up.ac.za and copy workshops@econrsa.org

Application Form

Please note that call for application for The Second Economic Theory Workshop “Economies with Asymmetric Information” closed on Friday, 11 November 2014 at 5pm.

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