JEL code: G51

Characteristics of the South African retirement fund industry
Using administrative data, we examine three characteristics of the ...
Neryvia Pillay Bell, Johannes W. Fedderke
Working Paper
Diversification measures and the optimal number of Stocks in a portfolio: An informatio...
This paper provides a plausible explanation for why the optimum num...
Adeola Oyenubi
Working Paper
Stokvels as an instrument and channel to extend credit to poor households in South Afri...
Policy Paper 19 A stokvel can in general terms be defined as an umb...
Polly Mashigo, Christie Schoeman
Policy Paper
State pension payouts boost migrant job prospects for household members
Large cash transfers to elderly South Africans, in the form of gove...
Anne Case, Victoria Hosegood, Cally Ardington
Policy Brief